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22 July 2015

How to keep your gut healthy while traveling abroad

Nothing refreshes the mental landscape better than an exciting trip to a foreign land. However, nothing can have you regretting that adventure more than...

22 July 2015

If you have autoimmunity you need to look at leaky gut

Dr. Helton talks about how to maintain a healthy diet. Learn more about our Portland chiropractor Dr. Helton and how he can get you back on the road to health.

09 July 2015

Mystery symptoms? It could be an autoimmune reaction.

Do you have chronic, mysterious symptoms that drag your life down but your lab tests come back normal? You may have an autoimmune reaction, a disorder in...

08 July 2015

Finally! FDA initiates ban on partially hydrogenated oil

Now even the U.S. Government is on board with what health specialists have known all along: partially hydrogenated oils and the industrial trans fats they...

10 June 2015

Portland, OR Auto Injury Treatment

Throughout the years, we've treated many men and women with auto injury symptoms in our Portland (Woodstock, Sellwood) office. Chiropractic care is the...