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05 February 2015

Portland (Woodstock, Sellwood) Chiropractic Wellness

The majority of people think of chiropractic as a successful way to treat back pain. Although this is true, numerous research studies show that chiropractic...

24 December 2014

Chiropractic Safe for Older Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain

We see patients of all ages in our Portland chiropractic office, but we find that chiropractic is especially beneficial for our older neighbors. As we age,...

10 December 2014

Portland, OR (Woodstock, Sellwood) Auto Injury Relief

No one plans to get in a car crash, but sometimes life surprises you, leaving you with pains that you didn’t have before. Fortunately, you can plan how...

04 November 2014

Headaches & Kids

Does Your Child Have Headaches?Find out what happened to one child who saw a chiropractor for migraine headaches...Imagine an 11-year-old boy who is excited...

21 October 2014

8 Reasons Why You Need to See a Chiropractor After an Auto Injury

Over 1 million people are injured in rear-end car crashes each year in the US, and many of these result in some kind of pain. Even a low speed crash can...