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21 October 2014

Injury from Low Speed Auto Collisions

Even though it might just seem like a minor fender-bender, biomechanical studies have found that you can be injured even during a low speed auto crash....

16 October 2014

How to Measure Results of Your Chiropractic Treatment in Portland, OR

Chiropractic isn't some magical type of treatment that you need faith in to see if it works. You can measure the results you receive from your...

16 September 2014


Dr. John Helton is a chiropractor in Portland, Oregon.

13 August 2014

Fear: The Worst Kind of Auto Injury

There are many negative things that go along with having an auto injury: Pain and suffering Missed work Your days are filled with doctor...

05 August 2014

Why An X-Ray May Not Show Fracture After an Auto Injury

If one of your family members or friends suffered from an auto injury in the past and was taken to the emergency room, the staff most likely ran x-rays and...